A three-pronged program
BCED stands for a three-pronged ministry: Christian education, communications, and discipleship—three major areas of work that resulted from the merger in 2013 of the then Board of Christian Education and Communication and the Board of Christian Discipleship.
Christian education, the biggest area, includes spiritual formation, Christian nurture, and leadership development. It has the following program components: training and capability building, resource material production, early childhood education and development, lifespan ministries, worship and liturgy, the National Bible Quiz, and leadership development.
The Communications program includes publication of The Filipino Methodist Magazine, training of Christian communicators, multi-media productions, and promotion and sales.
Discipleship ministries include spiritual formation through Kasama ni Jesus (KNJ), mission and evangelism, ecumenical relations, health ministries, and discipleship training and resource development.
BCED has two full-time staff. We have a huge mandate with limited resources, but God is good and has done wonderful things for us and through us, even during the very trying times of the Covid-19 pandemic!